Monday, February 11, 2013

Winter fun

Winter here in Daegu was cold enough to freeze our local lake solid for the month of January.

The ice and snow were quite lovely.
I have kept on going all winter with my 3.5 mi
walk around the lake, just bundled up a little more.

Jan. 12, we took some dorm kids to CatDog Cafe downtown. It's on the 3rd and 4th floors, upstairs from a pizza place.
It''s a cafe where you come in and buy a coffee or a lemonade and then get to hang out with about 15 cats (3rd floor)...
...Or 16 dogs (4th floor).  These are all animals that have been rescued and now live permanently at CatDog Cafe. There are several staff members on each floor taking care of all the animals. 
Everybody had their favorites. ♥
Coffee, tea.. or me? 
The kitties were quite friendly.
.. and agreeable...
...and curious. ☺
Everyone liked getting cozy.

On January 26, our school sent two teams of kids to the Korea National Lego Robotics championship in Seoul. This was the first time a DIS team went.  Here's me with our all-girls' team. 
The girls getting ready for their presentation.
It was at Korea University arena,
very state-of-the-art.

Here's our co-ed team competing.  Their Lego robot ran a couple of missions and scored some points.
 The competition was tough with 80 teams, but both teams performed respectably and finished in the middle of the field. We'll be back next year.
Back in Daegu, Marly competed in her first Korean ice skating competition on Jan. 31 here at Citizen Stadium rink,where she gets her lessons. 

Mar and her friend waited to get their hair and makeup done before the competition.
Coach Jennifer waiting by Marly's group.  As they were called, the kids came out and did their routines one by one. 
Getting a little nervous before performing.  There were 20 kids in her category.
She did great and was able to smile afterwards!
Would you believe- a First Place Medal! Against 20 kids no less.
Yay, Mar!
The weekend of February 1st, we all rode the charter bus to Korea's beautiful High 1 Resort for DIS's Middle/High School Ski trip.  Here's the view from our room.
Since Mar is not in Middle School yet, she and I got a condo room of our own with Coach Jennifer, who came up to ski and see her family.  The view in the other direction here.
James was chaperoning with Levi and the other 7th grade boys in their own condo.
We all enjoyed the ski lessons. :)

Here's Marly with Mr. Lee, amazing and inspirational ski teacher.

In the snow cave before we  headed down the mountain on the "easy" slope.

The kids are both good skiers!  Levi had a fun time skiing with the 7th grade guys.

Some DIS students heading to the slopes.

Day view- the slopes were crowded.
We found the outdoor spa which was heavenly! The water was so warm and clear.
Then you get out and freeze while you run to the locker room.
Here's James and Marly relaxing (behind the ladder).
It was cool to see the snow being manufactured at night.

The kids enjoyed the ski trip, so did we.  
So far the winter has been fantastic and we have had a lot of fun while also keeping busy with school.  It will be getting warmer in the next month or so and spring will be here before you know it!