Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Winter begins

During November, as the weather got cooler, the kids enjoyed the last of their soccer games.  Here's Marly playing against a team from Busan at DIS.

Marly as goalkeeper.  She really enjoyed this after-school soccer club.

My students painted a few outdoor murals before it got too cold to make any more.  They did a great job!

 My friend and I enjoyed walking at Bullodong Tombs park as the leaves were turning.

A hawk there was looking for some prey.

We found a nice church in Daegu with an English service through a friend.  They served a Thanksgiving meal for everyone, it was very good.  We also had a pretty nice Thanksgiving dinner at our school cafe, complete with pumpkin pie.

In November we had International Night at DIS. This is a big event.  Here's my National Art Honor Society with their Qatar country booth, making Henna tattoos and serving hummus.

Marly's grade had India for International Night; here she is with some classmates on parade in costume.

International Night was kicked off by an amazing troupe of local dancers/drummers in traditional Korean style.  Very exciting.

After all the elementary grades performed, the Children's Choir also did a performance, including Marly and friends on xylophone.  Levi's class did not perform as he's in Jr. High; he mainly watched and enjoyed all the great international foods that our school's moms brought.  ☺

In late November, all the teachers and their families were treated to a 7-course Chinese dinner at a hotel by a generous parent.  The food and wine were excellant!

There was a chiropractor there who gave adjustments- here's James getting his.  He felt better afterwards.

For a Saturday trip, dorm residents went to the local ice rink for some skating fun.
Back at DIS, my students were busy painting an indoor hallway this time...

On Friday, Dec. 7, we got our first snowfall of the season.  It started coming down about an hour before school let out.  Here I am by my classroom window on the second floor.

After school, many kids went outside to play... like Levi.  And James.  ☺
The guys had a lot of fun in the snow.  It packed very easy to make snowballs.

An hour later, after-school clubs let out and all those kids came out to play.

The big kids were out too.

Mar and Levi had a lot of fun and went out again later and the next day to play more in the snow.

The school kids had a lot of fun creating snowmen!

The next morning I walked in Bongmu park which was a winter wonderland.

With the leaves off the trees, you can see this terraced hillside garden now.

The duckboats wore a blanket of snow.
There are some real ducks living in the lake now.  They've migrated south to here, probably from Siberia.

This grey bird liked eating the persimmons in the park.  I really need to get a field guide of Korean birds, to find out what they are.

The magpies are out and as busy as ever in the snow. I'm glad the cold weather hasn't slowed anyone down.

My Art club (NAHS) is painting a mural at the local coffeeshop, the Muffin Tree.

Here's a closeup.  They're so talented!

My 10th grade students created masks for characters in the play, Antigone. They created a short version of the play for their English teacher and performed it at the Dec. assembly.  

Two colorful guys getting ready for the school concert, Dec. 13.

Santa stays active.

Marly sang her heart out in the elementary performance of the school concert. 

Here she is doing a bell performance for the show.

We also enjoyed the MS/HS performance. Levi will be playing in the spring concert, as he's taking Music next semester.
There's always something happening at DIS!